No review yet
But instead, this interesting post regarding cussin' and the Church.
"Man is not a balloon going up into the sky, nor a mole burrowing merely in the earth; but rather a thing like a tree, whose roots are fed from the earth, while it's highest branches seem to rise, almost to the stars." -GKC
This is a very interesting idea. I wonder who they're using as their service provider.
Just like the name Target is associated with quality, the name S****** M********* is associated with quality.Yikes! That's very not like me to say, but I said it nonetheless. Perhaps there was less pressure because this was a part-time job and I had no expectations that I had to try to live up to. I don't know. But the interview went well. They wanted to have someone else interview me (they call it stacked interviewing), but no one was available. Which was just as well, because I had an appointment with my financial guy in 20 minutes. So I'm going back next week for the second interview.
Last night, some friends and I were discussing options (from a football standpoint). And I just now thought of another example that perhaps didn't get mentioned. Peyton Manning has options on who he can throw the ball to. And I'm not just talking about specific plays that he audibles at the line. If Harrison is covered, Manning can look him off and go to Wayne. If Wayne is covered, Manning can look for Clark. So the Colts offense isn't just limited to Marvin Harrison. They have lots of options.
If you are going on an interview at Target, is it proper to wear a blazer that you bought at the very same Target?
How was your Thanksgiving? I had a great day. Who knew that the Cracker Barrel was open Thanksgiving Day? So not only did I have a great dinner, but I had a great breakfast as well. Good times with the fam. If you haven't read it, be sure to check out Ellie's post from Wednesday. Good words to remember.
Q: I believe my parents are quite proud of my accomplishments.My favorite questions involved the percentages:
a) Yes
b) Not Sure
c) No
Q: Compared to other people I know, I daydream:
a) More than them
b) About the same as them
c) Less than them
Q: My close friends tell me I am:
a) Careful and serious-minded
b) Not Sure/In-between
c) Carefree and happy-go-lucky
Q: I believe that ___% of the US population cheats on their tax returns.After I had filled out the application, the screen told me to pick up the phone. I picked up the phone (not suprisingly, it was red) and they asked me to come back to the office to sign my application and schedule an appointment. Just like that, I had an interview. So I'll let you know how that goes.
a) 10% or less
b) 11 - 25%
c) 26 - 40%
d) 50% or greater
Q: What is the percentage of politicians you think are honest?
**I don't remember all the options, but I chose 75-89%
So with the super-long weekend ahead, I decided to go to Blockbuster and actually use my Blockbuster rewards to get two movies (but only pay for one). Apparently, it had been a while since I had been to Blockbuster. I got ten coupons printed out with my receipt. Apparently they had to settle some sort of lawsuit and the settlement involved giving people coupons for free rentals, dollar-off rentals and BOGO's (buy one get one free). I dont know how long ago this occurred, but it was news to me (I was familiar with the lawsuit, but not the settlement). So anywho, I'm now trying to get rid of the majority of the coupons as they expire 11/28/05.
Every year Oprah gives away her favorite stuff from the past year to her studio audience. Now just to clarify, every single audience member gets one of every item. Now, check out the list.
This past weekend, I had the very great and wonderful opportunity to be a part of a musical production at my church. It was, in a word, great. I may or may not have documented the fact that I was apprehensive about this production because it was the first time I A) had played in an orchestra, and B) had to read music (since I took lessons back in high school). But it turned out to be a very enjoyable experience. The choir folks were all nice and I enjoyed the direction of one D. Curry. Last night, I actually found myself a little sad because we weren't going to be doing the production anymore. But I believe that's a good thing. Because it makes me more likely to participate in this sort of event in the future. Because my experience was good.
That Frito-Lay changed the Tostitos recipe earlier this year? It's true. Here's how I know.
I have to give God all the glory for the skills and abilities that He has given me.
Last week I regaled you with tips on "How to look good to a girl." Today:
How to Get a Girlfriend
1. Know what type of girl you're looking for. Make a list of traits that appeal to you, such as intelligence, looks, ambition, sense of humor, or respect for other people's feelings.
2. Resolve old hurts and disappointments. Make sure you're ready for a new relationship by setting aside any grievances about old girlfriends.
3. Attract the type of girl you're looking for by emphasizing your best features and downplaying undesirable traits. Make the most of what you have, both physically and mentally.
4. Learn how to make a girl feel good about herself by taking an interest in her life and her aspirations.
5. Consider any unattached girls at your school or work. Do any of them match the qualities that you want in a girlfriend?
6. Get involved in activities that you enjoy to give yourself the chance to meet new girls. Expand your horizons and your circle of friends.
7. If you have your eye on a certain girl, let mutual friends know about your interest in her. Ask someone you trust to discreetly tell her about your interest.
8. If you don't have the nerve to directly approach a girl who has caught your eye, consider being her secret admirer for a while. Send her sweet, anonymous messages or notes (with a few subtle clues about your identity) to let her know about your interest in her.
Love can surface in unexpected places and at unexpected times. Keep your eyes open for the right girl for you.
And now I'm sharing it with you.
It is not what man does that makes his work sacred or secular; it why he does it - the motive is everything." - A.W. Tozer
I just decided to delete all the individual posts and create one big one.
*AustraliaFive Favorite Restaurants
*New Zealand
*Cracker BarrelFive Sporting Events I Would Like to Attend
*Ruby Tuesday
*The Pizza Grille
*World CupFive People from History Are Having Dinner at My Place.
*Super Bowl
*Texas/OU Football Game
*NCAA Final Four
*Summer Olympics
*PaulFive Things I Don't Know
*Dietrich Bonhoeffer
*CS Lewis
*Abraham Lincoln
*My grandfather (he would really enjoy meeting the other four)
*The difference between a latte and a mocha
*What chai tea is or what makes it chai. Is chai a plant?
*How to ice skate. I can stand and move, but not fluidly.
*When to use "then" and "than."
*How to change my oil.
Job Applied For: Hershey's Bake Shop Apprentice
Thank you for submitting your online application for employment with us. Although we continuously accept applications, position availability may vary by season and department. The Department Manager will review your application. Employee Relations will only respond to those individuals who will be interviewed. If positions are not available at this time, your application will be considered active for one year.
I applied for three different positions this afternoon with The Hershey Company. Well, Hershey has this quaint little software program that, once you have an account created, asks you questions specific to the job in question. So if you are applying for an accounting position, they'll want to know if you have your CPA experience and they may want to know if you've done any public accounting and if so, for how long. Questions like that.
Thank you for applying for this job.So I think I may apply again, but change some of my answers. Stay tuned. More updates as they become available.
We are sorry, but you have not met the minimum requirements for this job. You are locked out 0 days for above job code. If you would like to search for another job, please click HERE.
When we used to watch tv shows on our, ummmm......computers?
How do you define surrender? defines surrender as:
1. To relinquish possession or control of to another because of demand or compulsion.As is often to happen with me, I've been thinking about the words to a particular hymn which prominently features that word. Surrender. What does it mean to me?
2. To give up in favor of another.
3. To give up or give back (something that has been granted).
4. To give up or abandon.
5. To give over or resign (oneself) to something, as to an emotion.
All to Jesus, I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.
All to Jesus, I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.
All to Jesus, I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.
Won't you be mine, won't you be mine?
So I'm starting a new feature here at Mind the Gap. It's a special feature for all my single friends. I'm calling this feature "So THAT'S how you do it!" It will be mostly geared to the men, but I will be throwing in some fun female-oriented material as well. You see, I discovered a website that answers everything you ever wanted to know about love and dating. So let's get started!
How to Look Good to a GirlI've given you much to think about...
Be girl likes a fake. Soon enough, you'll be turning girls' heads.
1. Drink lots of water throughout the day.
2. Lift weights for at least 20 minutes a day. (This only works for girls who like buff, athletic guys. If you're more the brainy type, just keeping relatively fit is enough. Also, regardless of your body type, "six-pack" abs seem to be universally considered good looking. Work on that as a priority.)
3. Eat 5 or more portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Garlic is good for memory, oranges help boost your immune system, and raw carrots help eyesight.
4. Shave regularly.
5. Take mints with you. Avoid bad breath foods like garlic and onions. (Note: some girls don't like minty breath so also look into non-minty alternatives like orange or cinnamon Tic-Tacs.)
6. Take care of your teeth. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily. Don't let your teeth get stained (with coffee and cigarettes, especially) and use whitening treatment if you still need help.
7. Run every day (if possible) or at least walk around your office building during lunch (the goal is to be active and stay fit, not to compete in the next marathon).
8. Ask others for feedback. (Be aware that you may get conflicting feedback, especially with things such as clothing styles, hairstyles, and colognes.)
9. Be very aware of your posture: good posture will give you a confident aura. It can also make you look taller.
10. Dressing right can be very important to girls, but you don't have to go spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest styles. A nice shirt and a clean pair of jeans is more than enough. Just be sure it's comfortable for you or else she'll pick up on your discomfort and think it's her.
11. Shower every day (or at least often enough to stay fresh and clean).
12. If you have oily skin, be sure to rinse your face at least once a day to prevent a greasy shine and acne.
13. Unless you're allergic to the ingredients, use an unscented anti-perspirant.
14. Get a good amount of sleep! Looking tired and bleary eyed all the time is very unattractive, and tends to detract from the rest of your appearance as well.
1. Don't flirt too much. It may freak her out.
2. Some girls are not interested in you or anyone else. These girls are not worth your time and you should feel confident moving on. (But how do you know that she's not interested in anyone? Observe. Does she treat everyone else the same way?)
Don't go overboard on the cologne. No matter how good it smells, too much of anything is bad. Remember, girls like guys to be natural, so less is more here.
3. If the woman you want has beautiful eyes, don't use that as your compliment. She has heard that since she hit puberty. Instead, find something else about her that stands out, like her elbows. I assure you, she has never been complimented on her elbows, and that'll make YOU stand out, hopefully in a good way. (Note: be sure she has nice elbows before saying this, otherwise you will look like a fool! Don't just rely on scripted patterns and lines ... observe the girl and notice what's different—and good—about her.)
Purify my heart,
Let me be as gold
Or precious silver
Purify my heart,
Let me be as gold,
Pure gold.
Refiner's fire,
My heart's one desire
Is to be, Holy
Set apart for You Lord
I choose to be, Holy
Set apart for You my Master,
Ready to do Your will.
Only one more month till Narnia!! Here's a cool little Narnia thing I found. It's called a webinar.
I read this last night (again) and just thought I would pass it on.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6.25-34
I've started reading a new book yesterday. It's called The Hiding Place. Perhaps you've heard of it. It's written by Corrie Ten Boom and is a memoir of Nazi Germany and her experiences. I haven't even gotten through the first chapter yet, but in the intro, I learned something exciting.
I have learned that:
1. God loves me no matter what.
2. Fire burns
3. Cats are evil
4. Mowing the lawn can cause your tennis shoes to turn green.
5. Milk does a body good
6. Darkness hides stuff
7. It's okay to trust people
8. Humidity makes a hot day that much hotter
9. Paper cuts hurt
10. People are full of suprises
11. Bluegrass is not evil
12. Friends are the icing on the cupcake of life
13. Every day is a gift from God
14. Appearances can be deceiving
15. Don't mess with hornets (green, brown or otherwise)
16. God works in mysterious ways
17. Cold peas do not taste good
18. Good things come in small packages
19. Nice guys don't finish last
20. Effective communication is the best kind
21. Parents are under-appreciated
22. Love rules
23. If you're in a hurry to get somewhere, there will be slower people in your way.
24. Prayer works
25. It's smart to make sure you have your house key before you leave the house.
26. There is something new to be learned every day.
27. If someone asks you to "Pull my finger!" Don't.
28. Nature is God's way of showing us He's the boss (and not Tony Danza).
29. Trying new things can be rewarding, once you get over your fears.
30. Being jealous of what other people have is coveting. Which is a sin.
That's the sound of a cow being milked for all she's worth. Check out this release I just found:
Jennifer Knapp Live CD to Release on January 24thCome to find out, that after all these years, she's still under contract with Goatee Records. Interesting....
For the first time ever, live recordings by gold-selling artist Jennifer Knapp will be released to retail this coming January 24th.
Jennifer Knapp Live, recorded on the “Back Forty Tour” in Spring 2001 and produced by Mark Lee Townsend (Relient K), will include 13 favorites from the singer-songwriter including “Into You,” “Lay It Down,” “The Way I Am,” “Romans,” “Refine Me,” “Usher Me Down,” “When Nothing Satisfies,” “Martyrs & Thieves,” “Whole Again,” “A Little More,” “Fall Down,” “Hold Me Now,” and “Undo Me.” Knapp, who has sold over 1 million albums to date, burst onto the music scene in 1997 with her debut album Kansas, and then followed up in 2000 with Lay It Down, and The Way I Am in 2001. Hailed by the Los Angeles Times as “a rising star”, and described by People Magazine as “an uncommonly literate songwriter”, Knapp proved herself as a folk-inspired rock artist with catchy poetic lyrics that touch the soul. Her talent merited two Dove Awards, with a total of eight nominations, as well as a 2001 GRAMMY nomination for “Best Rock Gospel Album.” Known for her extensive touring in support of her albums, Knapp was named among one of the Top 50 touring acts of the Winter/Spring 2001 season by Pollstar Magazine, the only Christian act to make the list. She also co-headlined a 40-city tour with Jars Of Clay and shared the stage with Sarah McLachlan and Sheryl Crow at Lilith Fair in 1999. On the radio front there were four #1 singles including “Whole Again,” “Undo Me,” “Lay it Down” and “A Little More.” Knapp’s music has been featured on MTV’s “The Real World” and the WB Network’s “Felicity
Last night, I found myself staring up at the heavens. One of the things I currently enjoy about living out in the country, is that when the sky is clear, you can see about a ka-jillion stars. And these verses from Psalm 8 came to mind:
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8.3-4And I thought to myself, the God of the Universe, who hung all those stars and planets in the sky, knows me. Not only does He know me, but He loves me something fierce! And I am so totally unworthy of His love and salvation. Last night I was singing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and this verse hit me:
O to grace how great a debtorMan, how true is that? All those that are prone to wandering, please raise your hand. I am so unworthy. But thankfully it's not three strikes and your out. I don't have to ever get out. And I am so thankful for that.
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
Here's an article in the Post about blog spamming. Thought some of you kids might find it psuedo-interesting.
The Camp Hill Diner is back open again. Pre-fire it had a blue motif. Post-fire, it now has a red motif. Maybe after the next fire, they'll go with green.
My wireless modem card arrived yesterday as scheduled. However, it did not function as scheduled. In fact, it didn't function at all. I think it might be a driver function, but I'm not completely sure. I'm going to take another crack at it tonight and see if I can make any progress.
David Downing, who wrote "Into the Wardrobe: C.S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles," will be speaking at the Camp Hill Borders tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 7:00pm.